You don’t need to walk 10 000 steps

You don’t need to walk 10 000 steps

A friend was getting a bit anxious over her step counter. She hadn’t hit 10k steps for a few days. The step counter was like a dark shadow over her. I told her, she could relax. There’s nothing magical about 10k. The concept of 10k steps was a marketing...
5 Ways To Spot a Fad Diet

5 Ways To Spot a Fad Diet

Bombarded with promises to lose weight quickly, to lose weight fast and with EASE. So many options, but what’s a woman to do? How are you supposed to pick one? Here’s a 5 point checklist for diets you should avoid: 1. The diet claims a specific food for...
Calories 101- The basics

Calories 101- The basics

Your 3 Point Lowdown on Calories Calories is the unit of measure of energy for food. Just as we use Watts (W) for power, centimeters (cms) or inches (in) for length. Calories (cal) is for energy content in food. The calories we get from food is the energy that fuels...
Look at Food with Neutral Eyes

Look at Food with Neutral Eyes

When you are able to look at food with neutral eyes, a lot of stress and angst over your food choices will diminish. You see most of our stress over food comes from our perspective. If we think food is bad…when we eat it, we will feel guilty. As that means we...
I Feel Fat

I Feel Fat

‘I feel fat’ How many times have you said that to yourself? It’s an interesting statement because ‘fat’ is not a feeling. So I ask you, when you say ‘I feel fat’, what are you really saying? Are you saying you feel tired, overwhelmed, sad, dissatisfied over your body...