The Philosophy

The Soar Approach

The usual advice of ‘rise and grind’ doesn’t suit everyone. That’s why the Soar Approach is all about showing you, how giving yourself a break will help you make the changes you want, stick! You already have high expectations for yourself, in everything you do. It’s time you gave yourself some breathing space as you lose weight, get fit and improve your health because you deserve to achieve the long term changes you want.

The method

The 3 principles of the Soar Approach


Give yourself a break. As a self-employed woman, it’s likely you always come last in your own life.

It may look like you’re fine to outsiders, but you probably aren’t. You’ve got deadlines, budgets, people, children and family and friends all depending on you.

You are carrying a heavy load, so if you stumble, give yourself a break. Give yourself some breathing room and understand, how ever long it takes you to achieve your goal, is completely individual to you.

Don’t compare your progress to someone else. Even if you look similar in physical stats, you’ve got completely different stresses, obligations, and life demands.

Relax. Have some compassion for yourself.

You will progress, at your pace.

The Mission

I’m here to help you, and other female entrepreneurs get back to who you really are. To lose weight, get fit, feel healthier and regain your confidence at a pace that suits you.

Marty Fitisemanu
Nutritionist & Trainer


Use the new knowledge to help you stay committed to your reaching your goals.

Mis-information and terrible dieting advice can make you feel like a failure. And be less committed to changing. I mean, who wants to keep doing something that doesn’t
work and makes them feel bad?

Being willing to follow good information to create an environment success of around you and commiting to being as consistent as you can in the moment, will bring
the new habits and changes you want.


Draw on your values to drive your actions. Your values, give you the internal conviction to go after you want.There will be days when you need to follow through and have the discipline to take action – to do the right thing, at the right time.

Use your values to drive you. See yourself living the life the want. The life where you’re not sitting on the sidelines. Be the person you want to be.

Live your values and you’re life will become what you want it to be.

“I have an understanding of what you’re going through because I’m right there with you. I am walking the same steps you are, I totally get it. I’m not your normal trainer or nutritionist. I’m still losing weight and I’m definitely no instagram “fitness model” (and I have no wish to be either, they are a blight on the fitness industry as far as I’m concerned).

 I know how you feel, even though I haven’t walked the exact steps as you. We’re similar.

We both want to live a meaningful life. We both believe, everyone is capable of achieving greatness through building a life that’s meaningful and valuable to ourselves and the people we care about.

The thing is, you don’t have to continue feeling held back from not living the life you envisioned, because you hate the way you look…you can change! And I want to help you because you deserve it! You work hard in your career helping others, now it’s time to take care of yourself.”

Marty Fitisemanu

Nutritionist & Trainer


Join The Soar Society

This is THE nutrition, weight management and fitness membership hub for self employed women. You get full access to practical and doable strategies to help you lose weight, eat better and start feeling confident in your body again.