A friend was getting a bit anxious over her step counter. She hadn’t hit 10k steps for a few days. The step counter was like a dark shadow over her.

I told her, she could relax. There’s nothing magical about 10k.

The concept of 10k steps was a marketing creation for the first pedometer made by Yamasa Clock back in 1965. There’s actually no science behind the number for health purposes.

So if you’re getting really frustrated about not hitting the magical 10k steps, or if you’re starting to feel anxious every time you look at your step counter. Don’t feel guilty. You don’t have to do 10k steps.

Walking is a great way to keep active and it’s so easy because most of us can walk. And having a goal such is 10k steps is absolutely fantastic, as it gives you specific target to aim for. So if walking is your main way of being active. Keep on it.

But for those days, when you can’t fit in the time to clock up the steps, aim for at least 20 minutes. Even 20mins a day of brisk walking will begin to improve your health.

And I think when you’re starting out or crazy busy or just really under the pump with everything else going on in your life, 20 minutes is an achievable target.

Also if you can’t do 20 minutes, go for 10 minutes. When I had a long lull in training, I started again at 10 minutes. It was challenging enough and did make me feel better.

Every little bit counts, so go at your own pace and build it.

AND don’t let a piece of technology make you feel guilty.

Photo by Daniel Reche from Pexels

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